Marie Stuartovna. Anatomie (dramatu) + Ikebana

Marie Stuartovna. Anatomie (dramatu) + Ikebana

Marie Stuartovna. Anatomie (dramatu) + Ikebana

Marie Stuartovna. Anatomie (dramatu) + Ikebana


Marie Stuartovna. Anatomie (dramatu) + Ikebana

Elisabeth I. a Maria Stuart.

Elizabeth I. a Mary Stuart.

Alžběta a Marie.

Bětuška a Maruška.

Bětka a Mařka.

Bětuš a Maruš.

(Sebastian Rein a Jakub Čermák).


Královna a královna.

Věznitelka a vězenkyně.

Kat a oběť.

Panna a kurva.

Vládkyně a kurva.

Šedá myš a kurva.

Kráva a píča.

Diva a heroina.

Liz and Mary.

Best friends forever.


Dvě královny, dva dvory, dva osudy, ale na konci pouze jedna useknutá hlava. Představení je pro všechny, kteří chtějí nastavit svou tvář sluncím královských Výsostí, jejich vrtochům, jejich touhám a jejich úzkostem.

Work-in-progress tohoto představení získal druhou cenu na festivalu OFFenzíva v Ostravě.

Upozorňujeme, že představení uvádíme v jednoduché angličtině, základní znalost tohoto jazyka je žádoucí.


Vznik představení podpořilo hlavní město Praha, Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Státní fond kultury a Česko-německý fond budoucnosti.

Premiéra: 28.11.2019 v rámci programu Pražského festivalu divadla německého jazyka. 



Mary Stuart. Anatomy (of drama)

Elisabeth I. and Maria Stuart.

Elizabeth I. and Mary Stuart.

Alžběta and Marie.

Little Betty and little Mary.

Betty and Mar.

Bet and Mitzi.

(Sebastian Rein and Jakub Čermák).


A queen and a queen.

The jaileress and the jailed.

The executioner and the victim.

The virgin and the slut.

The empress and the whore.

The mousy one and the bitch one.

The bitch and the cunt.

The diva and the heroine.

Liz and Mary.

Best friends forever.


Two queens, two courts, two fates, but only one severed head in the end. The performance for all who want to face the Suns of the Royal Highnesses, their whims, their desires and their anxieties.


Work-in-progress of Mary Stuart. Anatomy (of drama) won the second prize at the OFFenziva festival in Ostrava.

The performance was supported by the City of Prague, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the State Culture Fund and the Czech-German Future Fund.


Mary Stuart. Anatomy (of Drama).

Elisabeth I. and Maria Stuart. Elizabeth I. and Mary Stuart. Alžběta and Marie. Little Betty and little Mary. Betty and Mar. Bet and Mitzi. (Sebastian Rein and Jakub Čermák). A queen and a queen. The jaileress and the jailed. The executioner and the victim. The virgin and the slut. The empress and the whore. The mousy one and the bitch one. The bitch and the cunt. The diva and the heroine. Liz and Mary. Best friends forever.

Two queens, two courts, two fates, but only one severed head in the end. The performance for all who want to face the Suns of the Royal Highnesses, their whims, their desires and their anxieties. Work-in-progress of Mary Stuart. Anatomy (of Drama) won the second prize at the OFFenziva festival in Ostrava.


In her Courbet-esque (L’origine du monde) performance Ikebana, the artist exposes her vagina, into which she slowly pushes grass after grass, flower after flower, until she creates a sumptuous ikebana, which she finishes with a pretty bow. The thematic focus is on: “Women. The Body. Child. Future. Hope. Nation. Country.” The action of creating a “vaginal still life” alludes to the analogy between the exploitation of women and nature. Admiring nature from a distance produces a paradox similar to the one patriarchy performs on women: it elevates her to a pedestal of sadistic admiration, while at the same time subjugating and destroying her.

Olja Grubić

Performer, visual artist, set and costume designer. Graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts in Ljubljana, majoring in Conceptualisation of Space. She deals with contemporary and engaged themes and works in the field of various media (performance, cabaret, drawing, video, installation). In her projects, she combines the basic functions of life, needs, instincts into visual images and seemingly simple physical actions, which, in their persistence in time, shape a wide spectrum of feelings and the social condition of society. By performing her own body, she explores the possibilities of freedom within a patriarchal and capitalist-oriented society. With her performance Red Web (2016, co-authored with Živa Petrič) she reaches into the field of post-porn art, 2016 she is the recipient of a Cultural Euro grant at Kino Šiška, where she publishes a book entitled Psychological Cannibals, 2019 she conceives her first collective performance Naked Life, in 2021 she presents the performative installation Breathe as part of Shift. In 2022, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, in the exhibition Art at Work, she presents her original project Fertile Soil, the first part of the four-year project Extima. In 2023, in Švicarija, she presented the second part of the project Extima: A Taste of Being.

She has exhibited in numerous galleries and museums, in Slovenia and abroad. From 2016 to 2021 she was the leader of the group Cabaret Tiffany. In 2020 she became part of the artistic world of Vie Negative. Her performance video Ikebana is a part of the Arteast 2000+ collection in the Museum of Contemporary art Ljubljana.

Premiéra: 28.11.2019


Jakub Čermák
Sebastian Rein
Olja Grubić


85 min.

Tvůrčí tým

Scéna a kostýmy/stage and costumes: Martina Zwyrtek
Light design: Michal Horáček
Hudba/music: Alejandro Bonatto
Produkce/production: Denis Bastuga, Anna Bárová
Asistent/assistant: Jan Rajmont
Režie/directed by: Jakub Čermák
